XMP Metadata Support

Are there plans to support reading/writing at least some of the core XMP fields? I appreciate that the OSX tags field is supported, but the description/rating fields in shade do not appear to embed that data in the file or make use of what is already there. It makes it hard to use shade for the things AI can't solve because you can't search b-roll for say the "camera used" or the "location". Use Case: I have a large library of mov footage that has the OSX tags and comment fields populated. I have also embedded and made use of the "source", "rating" and "location" XMP field. Sometimes I want to search for "Toronto" or I know that the shot was taken with an "iPhone" and be able to filter only the "5 star" shots. Feature Request 1: It would be good to ingest and fill these fields in Shade with the values in XMP by default. Feature Request 2: I would also like to be able to write to embedded XMP fields. Because Shade is early release software writing these fields back is especially important as some occasional database wipes and rebuilds are a part of this process. I don't want to spend a day rating 5,000 pieces of footage unless that information is saved somewhere when Shades database has to be rebuilt. Subsequently I don't have this tool and have to inspect each candidate search result to see the quality.

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💡 Feature Request


5 months ago


Brandon Fan

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